Zehl & Associates, PC invites you to join members of our firm for our first Bus Safety Virtual 5K Charity Run on April 2-3, 2016! Our goal is to raise awareness of bus travel safety and bus accident prevention.

Zehl & Associates, PC is a nationwide personal injury firm representing plaintiffs who have been injured in catastrophic bus and truck accidents. The lawyers at Zehl & Associates have recovered some of the largest bus accident verdicts and settlements in history, and, as part of their practice, they remain dedicated to increasing bus travel safety, awareness, and bus accident prevention.

According to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), citing data the last year it was available, each year more than 700 million passengers throughout the country are transported by buses. Fortunately, most bus rides are safe, but the number of injuries and deaths annually from bus-related crashes have been known to total in the tens of thousands. This includes school buses, which, according to statistical data released by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), are involved in 40% of all fatal bus crashes, as well as transit buses, which are involved in 30% of all total bus accidents.

Although the number of bus accidents in the past 10 years have diminished, it is imperative that we continue to raise awareness of bus crash statistics – and about bus crashes and their causes – so that we encourage better safety standards on behalf of bus companies that will continue to result in fewer tragedies and accidents.

The cost of this virtual 5k is FREE, and every participant will receive a medal or ribbon as well as have their time posted on our website. Register for the 5k by emailing us at [email protected] with your full name, address (if you would like us to send your prize), age and gender. We will mail your prize in mid-April.

Date: April 2 and April 3, 2016

Location: A virtual 5K may be run anywhere at any time—on a treadmill, at a local park, at your gym… even while running another 5K!

Cost: FREE

Timing: Participants will time themselves using the honor system.

Prizes: All participants will receive a ribbon or medal for helping to spread bus safety awareness.

At the end of the race, we will email you a reminder to send us your times! If you would like, we can also post your images running the 5K. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].

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